
New Deigns & Events....

(A Zimbag at Klaloch Beach on the Washington Coast.)

Hello there. Summer is in full swing and Zimbags are making the rounds at beaches, farmer's markets, picnics, the pool, and more. Where has your bag taken you? (We'd love to hear from you or see pictures!)

It's been an exciting summer as we made our first appearance at the Crossroads Farmer's Market in Bellevue, Washington and we are gearing up for Zimfest 2010 in Corvallis, Oregon from August 20-22.

Zimfest 2010 is bound to be a blast with Zimbabwean music and dancing and a marketplace full of other non-profits, musicians, artists, and more. We'd love to see you if you are in the area. Stop by and see what Zimbags is up to and dance with us.

We will be debuting two new screen print designs at Zimfest 2010 and the following week at the Crossroads Farmer's Market. They will be up online next month, but stop by one of these events to get them before everyone else. We also have toddler and kid shirts now that will be available at these events. All the designs are based on paintings done by the women artists and all of the proceeds go directly back to them.

We are excited about the things happening at Zimbags right now. Keep checking back for more updates and pictures. (And, of course, we'd love to hear from you and see you with your bag or shirt!)

Thanks for your continued support,
The Happy Bag Elves

PS-- Here's a sneak peek at the new screen print designs..... lots of love....

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