
Zimbags at the market....

June 1st marked Zimbags' first trip to the Farmer's Market. We had so much fun, in spite of the chilly weather. We were able to tell the Zimbags story, get some stylish bags into the hands of market-goers, and eat some yummy food.

June 15th was our 2nd trip and was even better because the sun decided to make an appearance!

Our hope is that the Farmer's Market will be a great place to spread the word about Zimbags, get reusable bags into the hands of shoppers to reduce the use of plastic bags, and show off the beautiful work of our women artists.

Our next date is June 29th .... we really hope to see you there! And if you can't come to the Crossroads Farmer's Market in Bellevue, Washington -- you could buy a Zimbag Shopper and a Zimarket Mini to make trips to your local farmer's market easier and more environmentally friendly.

Here are some pictures from the June 15th trip....

Thanks for all your support,
The Happy Bag Elves

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